Colgate & TWN
“The Woman's Film”, 1971
I am happy to announce that Kinograph has received funding from Colgate University to complete the prototype for Kinograph v2.
In addition, Third World Newsreel and Kinograph have secured a matching grant for the development of Kinograph v2 and its installation at their archive.
The funds will be used to hire contractors to complete phases of work according to the designs for version 2.
Throughout the process, I will be sharing progress and all design files with the community through this blog and on the forums.
I welcome and encourage active participation in this process. Visit the forums to share your thoughts on the designs (coming in the next blog post ASAP), your wish list for features, how you see Kinograph being used for your project, and whatever else is on your mind.
Thanks to Colgate and TWN, Kinograph will finally have a real-world prototype. From there, I hope to see the design replicated and improved many times over!
Here are my next steps:
add a project timeline to the website
publish current designs and plans for v2
gather feedback from the community